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Julio was amazing. I was there for 2.5 hours we had great conversations and my hair is amazing. Julio is an artist hair is is pallet. I LOVE MY HAIR
Terri Lynn Derrickson Bushway
Julio is great! Flow Salon is awesome! It's located in Northwood Village West Palm Beach, Fl
Amazing results · Fantastic haircuts · Luxurious experience · Nice décor
Travis Sean
Julio is and has been the best at his craft for the past 25 yrs he has cut my hair,he recently worked on my wife's hair and she is just as happy. Highly recommended to all!!!
Tee Jay Clements
I have followed Julio from two previous salons.. Since he hasn't accused me of stalking.. I would say that this is a great endorsement
Susan Fink Ramsey
The very best. *****!
Very relaxing and enjoyable experience!
Shari Burkybile
Love Julio and his mastery of cut and color. One of the best!!
Shuana Tucker
Amazing professional, a master with the scissors. Bravo Señor Julio.
Antonio Uguet
Julio is fantastic. If you want a conversation with a stylist where you can talk about what you like, what you want, and most importantly - what is realistic for your hair texture, type and color, Julio is your man. He's honest, diplomatic, and knows his stuff. I respect his opinion, and his taste. He's been my stylist since I moved back home to Florida 5 years ago, and feel fortunate to have found him.
Audrey Morgan Ross
Pues sin duda alguna,toda persona que decida usar los servicios de flow salon quedara complacido,porque son verdaderos profesionales de la belleza,por lo tanto usted va a lucir como un rey o como una reina.
Victor Gomez
You are amazing!!! Sooooo happy for you and your new Salon. God Bless!
Natasha Molina